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The following information was delivered to us by an essence/spirit personality known as Elias, (no longer focused in physical dimensional realities) who delivers the information via an energy exchange with a woman named Mary Ennis, or what is more commonly known as ‘channeling’. 

MYSTY:  Also what I wanted to know was, have I been a walk-in during this lifetime where I am right now?  There was this car accident that I was in a long time ago and I felt that I switched or something, but I’m not sure.

ELIAS:  I am understanding of what you are expressing, and of your confusion.

Now; let me express to you first of all, this concept or this idea of walk-ins is a belief system which has been introduced by individuals within this physical dimension to offer an explanation for certain types of experiences that may be engaged in this dimension, such as this experience that you have expressed in this accident, so to speak.

Now; what is actually occurring in these types of situations — and in your situation also — is a shifting, so to speak, of the primary aspect of the individual.

This is a difficult concept to offer to individuals within this particular physical dimension, for you create a reality which appears very singular.  You create one physical body, to your viewing.  You create individual expressions of creations, and in the creation of that type of perception in which all that you view is singular and separated, it is difficult to objectively assimilate the understanding that you are not in actuality one singular entity.

Therefore, in each manifestation that you create within this physical dimension, you are actually creating numberless you’s.  These are what we term to be aspects of you.  Within all of these you’s, there is one which is designated the primary aspect of you.

Now; this primary aspect is the expression of you that you recognize and identify and define as yourself objectively.  You are following thus far?

MYSTY:  Yes.

ELIAS:  At times, individuals may choose to be altering the primary aspect of self, in which another alternate may be moving into the position of the primary aspect, and the previous primary aspect of self — that which you identified as you — moves into the position of an alternate aspect.

Now; this is not to say that that aspect does not continue to be present, for it does, but it is not the primary focus of attention any longer.

Some individuals create this action very temporarily.  Some individuals choose to be altering their primary aspect of self at a particular moment to be turning their attention in a different manner and offering themselves a different perception, which alters all of their experience within that particular focus.

Some aspects are what you may term to be closer in expression to other aspects.  In these situations, a primary aspect of self may shift and another aspect may assume the primary position, and there shall be no interruption of memory or identification of the previous self, so to speak.

There shall be an objective recognition of the difference of perception, of the difference of experience, of the difference of expression of self, and there shall be a memory objectively held of the previous self, in a manner of speaking.

In some situations, some individuals choose to be creating this action, and the aspect of self that moves into the primary position may exhibit qualities that are farther removed from the familiar expression of the individual.

In those situations, the individual many times shall exhibit no objective memory of the previous aspect of themselves.  Therefore, they may express that there are many years, so to speak, within their focus that they have no memory of, and that they have lost all of this time and experience within their particular focus.

There are many different expressions of this action, but as there are many individuals that create this type of action, there have also been many explanations throughout your history for what you are creating.

Within this time framework presently and the influence of your philosophy of metaphysics, individuals deem this action to be the exchange of a walk-in — another entity or another essence, another being, another soul that exchanges positions or places, in your terms, with an individual physically focused within this particular dimension.

This is not the situation.  This is not what is occurring.  This action of walk-ins in actuality would be deemed within consciousness as an intrusive action.

No essence shall be intrusive to any other essence.  No aspect of consciousness shall be intrusive to any other aspect of consciousness.

Therefore, there is no action of overtaking any expression of any individual or any manifestation of essence in any dimension.

MYSTY:  I feel that it’s me, and I don’t feel it’s wrong or anything.  I feel that it’s me changing into another part of myself, but I feel like I do it a lot.

ELIAS:  And this is also not uncommon.  Therefore, you may assure yourself that you are not creating a wildly unusual action within this particular focus.  Many, many, many individuals create this action.  In actuality, MOST individuals create this action.

Now; this is not to say that they may be objectively sharing this experience in communication with you, for they also create many judgments upon their selves in relation to this type of action, and engage a thought process that expresses to themselves that this is strange or different or unusual.  Therefore, they are unwilling to be expressing these types of actions to other individuals.

But I shall express to you that this is in actuality quite common within this physical dimension, AND quite beneficial, for you are not one singular entity.  You are not one singular expression.  You are an incredible multidimensional being!

You hold very many aspects of yourself, and each aspect of yourself exhibits different qualities, different expressions, different angles of perception, and in this, as you allow yourself to move the primary position of different aspects of yourself, you also allow yourself to explore and to view this physical reality through different perceptions.

MYSTY:  So then it’s okay that I ... I feel that I get myself into situations by my own choice, and then I just change everything.  I go to the extreme, and then I just change everything around and I become another part of myself, and sometimes I feel like maybe that’s not right to do.

ELIAS:  Ah!  This is entirely natural and acceptable.  There is no wrong in this action.  In actuality, this lends to an ease within yourself individually in your movement in relation to this shift in consciousness.  Individuals that hold themselves more rigidly, and are allowing for this type of action much less, experience much more difficulty in the movement of this shift in consciousness.

MYSTY:  Okay.  Thank you.

ELIAS:  You are very welcome. 


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