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The following information was delivered by an essence/spirit personality known as Elias, (no longer focused in physical dimensional realities) who delivers the information via an energy exchange with a woman named Mary Ennis, or what is more commonly known as ‘channeling’.  View video of Elias introducing himself, and the 'Shift In Consciousness' at,


The AKASHIC records


ELIAS: Everyone is connected with everyone! All, underline all, consciousness is connected with all consciousness. Energy may not be separated. It is.


NORM: I'm thinking about the library, the akashic records. You're smiling! That is there for anybody. It is energy that I can attract, if I were properly trained to be able to do that?


ELIAS: I shall express to you that this concept of your akashic records is ... a concept. It is an invention, as an explanation to yourselves of your own innate knowledge.


Now; as has been stated previously, there are areas of consciousness, which you may term to be world views of individuals that are deposited and available to all consciousness, that you may access within physical focus. This you may view as your library, if you are wishing. These are energy deposits within consciousness that are placed by every focused individual, and may be accessed for all information as perceived by that individual.


As to truths, as your ancient records supposedly hold, these are not held in ancient ruins or cosmic records. There is no angel standing beside a gate with an enormous multidimensional book! (Laughter) There is no record in the cosmos which is ancient and filled with all knowledge. There is you! There is essence, which holds all knowledge. All may be accessed by you through you, for you hold all of these things. There is no thing outside of you.


RETA: And we just have to learn how to access that. So if you're saying there's an energy body that was this person's record and that person's record, but then you say truth besides that, there is no person telling you whether that record that was their focus is true?


ELIAS: This is an imprint, within consciousness, of the individual's perception; their view.


RETA: And their view may not be what your knowledge terms as all truth?


ELIAS: Correct; for it is influenced by belief systems, for it is directly related to physical focus. It is an energy deposit of knowledge, imprinted within consciousness, accessible to you; just as you view your Einstein to be a great genius, and you may wish to access this individual's world view. This is not their view of the world! It is their view of all, as seen through the perception of physical focus. Now; this may be added to within an area of transition, but it is continued to be closely related to physical focus. It is accessible to physical focus to be beneficial to you, and to be helpful to your understanding.


RETA: Alright. We have say four people's perceptions of a subject. How would you come to knowledge of the truth within those four views?


ELIAS: The knowledge of the truth shall be accessed by you.


RETA: And I will know the difference?


ELIAS: You know the truth. It is similar to viewing your philosophers. Do you look to your philosophers for truth?


RETA: Most of the time, but I have my belief systems.


ELIAS: In absolute terms? (Here, Reta starts to answer, but Elias interrupts) You are understanding that these individuals, as philosophers, are individuals.


RETA: Right.


ELIAS: You are understanding that these individuals work within a framework of belief systems. Therefore, you may view their philosophy and if it is containing of truth, you will know; for you hold the same truth.


RETA: I will know through my belief systems though, so is that absolute truth?


ELIAS: Beyond your belief systems! #132


ERIK:  Okay, Elias, I have a question.  Could you go into the Akashic records?  Could you explain a little bit about its existence here, or if there IS any kind of existence here?

ELIAS:  Ah, once again we return to this subject!

ERIK:  I’ve recently had a bit of a vision, or something along these lines, which I was very curious about.

ELIAS:  And this is not surprising!

Let me explain that this designation of what you term to be your Akashic records is in actuality what I may express to you as an energy deposit within consciousness, which is quite similar to a world view.  In this, there is much information held within this particular energy deposit.

Now; many individuals access this particular area of consciousness, and in this there has been what you may term to be myths created around these experiences, for individuals move in this type of direction to offer themselves an explanation of that which they do not understand.  You are in actuality tapping into an area of consciousness that holds a great collective energy deposit which holds much information.  Each of you, all of you, may access this information and this area of consciousness within physical focus.  It is not so very far removed from you.  You may be offering yourself the experience of accessing many different areas of consciousness that hold great volumes, in your terms, of information.

Now; this particular area of consciousness holding this particular energy deposit focuses basically with physical focus and information relating to physical focus, not necessarily to other areas of consciousness.  This would be what you would term to be information in the area of “riches of the ages,” for a collective of energy has been deposited to be holding information of all of your physical focus.  In this, what has occurred in your terms is that each essence that is choosing to be entering into manifestation within this physical focus has chosen to participate in an energy deposit in this area.

Now; many individuals throughout your history have tapped into this information, and within their respective belief systems refer to this information in different manners.  But collectively, you refer to this as the Akashic records; records of all of the experiences of physical focus.  This is the energy which has been offered by each essence that has participated within this physical focus.

It is not necessarily a record or a recording of this information, but more that it is free-flowing energy which holds all of the information of all of the experiences within this dimension, and this information is available to you.

You need not be what you term to be in your belief systems a “spiritual master” to be accessing this information!  Each of you hold the ability to access this information.  You merely need be trusting of yourself and your abilities and allowing yourself to move easily through different areas of consciousness, and in this not holding yourselves so very singularly within your attention to this objective framework.  If you are allowing yourself this movement, you may also be accessing this information.

In this, you may find accessing this information to be quite useful in what you term to be cheating, (laughter) for you may access much of your histories and all of the information of all of the individuals that have occupied your physical focus, and all of their knowledge within this area.

This is not quite so uncommon as you believe it to be.  It is merely that individuals do not recognize what they are accessing.  Individuals access aspects of this information quite often.  They merely do not recognize what they are tapping into, but they express that they have been offered, from some element outside of themselves, some great revelations.  In actuality, they themselves have accessed information which has been deposited in this area of consciousness that you term to be these Akashic records.

You may be allowing yourself to move into this direction quite freely.  At our last meeting together, I expressed to you the practicing of the exercise to allow yourselves to move more freely through consciousness.  I have subsequent to that meeting offered information in the direction of helpfulness to you with an exercise to be practicing what you term to be out-of-body experiences, which also lends energy to your own acceptance of self and offers you the opportunity to move more freely within consciousness and validates your own abilities in your own movements.

Out-of-body experiences are not merely fun exercises, although they are quite fun!  I express to you that you are accomplishing of this continuously, but you do not hold an objective awareness of this action that you engage.  Therefore, the objective in this exercise is that you retain an objective awareness of your movement in what you term to be an out-of-body experience, or what I may term to be projection.

In this, although you are experiencing fun and freedom, which I am QUITE advocating of, you also simultaneously offer yourselves a very great validation of your own abilities, that you DO hold the ability to move freely through consciousness and that you are NOT encumbered physically, so to speak; that although you possess a physical form and although you have created an objective physical reality, this physical reality is not the whole of you, and you hold much more mobility than you understand, and you hold much more abilities in your creativity that you allow yourselves to view.  Therefore, I am quite encouraging of these activities, for they are quite validating of you.  Is this helpful?

ERIK:  Yes.

ELIAS:  And you may continue within your investigation, and I am quite encouraging of this movement!

ERIK:  I shall.  #320





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