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The following information was delivered to us by an essence/spirit personality known as Elias, (no longer focused in physical dimensional realities) who delivers the information via an energy exchange with a woman named Mary Ennis, or what is more commonly known as ‘channeling’. 


NORM: “This question is kind of off the wall, but I’m interested in evolution and some of the ideas that scientists now feel, that it is not possible for the DNA molecule to express itself in a grown animal, in the behavior of the animal or the shape that the animal takes. A man by the name of Rupert Sheldrake has come up with the idea of morphic resonance. Do you feel that has any validity?

ELIAS: As to your physical sciences and the subject of evolution, this being one area in which your sciences lag. I express to you, within the terms that you think of as evolution, within your Darwinian theory, it will remain a theory; for in actuality, there is no evolution. I have stated previously, you did not appear upon the planet eating apples! You also did not appear upon the planet evolving from a fish. You also did not evolve as man through a series of related primates. Each expression of man has been an expression in physical manifestation of consciousness, in regard to the essence families and experimentation of physical manifestation. Each has been unique within itself, and is not preliminary to another. One does not precede another. You do not evolve through your history and your ages. Your Earth does not evolve in the manner that you think of.

You think in linear terms. You think in time frame elements. In this way, you create explanations for yourselves of what you create. You create ongoing, within every moment. It is a continuous process. You do not create an element which exists throughout millenniums. You create anew within every moment. Each expression of creature and man is created independent and in itself, holding its own integrity and its own expression.

You may view, through your archeologists, through your anthropologists, what you view to be early expressions of man which you then attribute to your evolutionary process, but this is incorrect. These expressions are individual to themselves, as experimentations within consciousness within physical manifestations, which you have expressed within certain time periods, within certain time elements; manifesting upon this planet and then discontinuing with that particular manifestation, as viewing a more efficient manifestation and creating an invention of that. Therefore, there is no sequence to be followed. Your physical manifestation, every molecule within your physical manifestation physically, is now as it was; for this prototype, so to speak, was agreed upon as efficient.

You, as you are aware presently, do not hold the same living cells that you held within your physical manifestation within your past seven years. You are entirely new. You are entirely different. Your consciousness is recreating within every moment; as through your history, as through your millenniums of this planet, you are creating every moment anew. You choose, within one focus, to temporarily be creating in like form; but I shall express to you, you physically do not appear the same identically as you did within your past ten years. You shall not appear the same physically within your coming ten years, for you continuously change the appearance of your manifestation. You attribute this to simple explanations of aging process, for this is what you know; but you offer yourselves physical evidence continuously that you are continuing to be creating within the moment; ever changing, never the same.

NORM: So if I wanted to live to be one hundred and fifty or two hundred years or a thousand years, I could do it if I wanted.

ELIAS: This is your choice. What prevents you from extension of your physical manifestation are your belief systems. You look to stories as myths of ancients. You explain to yourselves that individuals within these myths, living to ages of nine hundred years, viewed their calendar differently. You explain to yourselves that individuals did not truly ever live such lifetimes, for this is impossible. Therefore, you offer yourselves explanations with different time sequences; shorter years. I express to you, within the time period of experimentation of manifestations early, as you term this to be, within the essence families and those of the Seers, many, all, chose much greater time elements for manifestation.

This is also purposefully created though. You choose to not manifest at such great lengths within years, for it is unnecessary. You may gain experiences within a smaller time framework. You, within your development of your abilities, offer yourselves more in certain areas of stimulation and experience. Therefore, you view it to be unnecessary to be manifesting for much years.

You also presently manifest more counterparts. Therefore, your experience is also widened. This also you express in reasoning of non-manifestation for hundreds of years; although you may choose to be continuing within your manifestation physically, and you hold the ability to accomplish this.” #133

NORM: “The Darwinian theory of the development from very simple organisms to very complicated organisms and adaptive systems concepts is felt today to be the reason why, for example, the human genome was eventually developed after the billions of years of this Earth life. However, if you were to statistically attempt to put this together in the appropriate order, it would be many, many, many times longer than the 4.5 billion years, would it not?

ELIAS: Quite. Your Darwinian theory, which it remains a theory, is a somewhat logical assumption of your development upon your planet; although it is also quite incorrect, for you have not evolved in this manner. You have not mutated, and contrary to your scientific studies, you do not create and move within the process of natural selection.

I have stated previously that you have experimented throughout your ages with different forms of manifestations, and you have presently agreed upon this manifestation of form as being most efficient temporarily; for within what you view to be future, you may be altering of this to a degree also. This is not evolution!

Each manifestation is unique to itself. It did not evolve from another form. It was created uniquely, independently itself within your history, this being the history of what you know of with your planet; although in this also you know very little, for your planet has existed and not existed and existed once again many times; this being one ‘blink in’ of your planet within this dimension, within this universe, within your solar system and galaxy, and all those elements which you think you recognize!” #176

DREW: “When you refer to creatures, does that include insects?


RETA: Is the highest level of creature the development of the ape?

ELIAS: In which direction do you indicate highest?

RETA: Well, I’m just trying to divide the human essence focus from a creature. I know all creatures are beautiful and all creatures are wonderful, but I was wondering ... The most developed creature, I guess on the way to being as wonderful as we are, would be, I would have thought, the ape.

ELIAS: In actuality, although these creatures hold behavior patterns quite similar in some manners to yourselves, within what you are expressing and within consciousness, to your way of thinking of development, your sea mammals would be more aligned in this area.

RETA: Oh, yeah.

MJ: Like dolphins, for example?

ELIAS: And whales.”

'EVOLUTION'  Posted November 2022


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